Having visibility to chase up things such as P45s ensures you get your employees on the right tax code, saving your employees financial stress. It’s been proven that financial stress results in 48% of people getting distracted at work by money worries, and 16% of people say their financial worries have led them to miss work.
HR Insights provides a report which allows your business to easily access, manage and have complete
visibility of critical employee compliance documents; including contracts, RTW, P45, new starter checklist, and visa expirations.
This can be accessed by following the below steps:
1. Click the graph icon along the top row to access the reporting suite. Scroll down to the HR Insights section and click Employee Exception Report under the Compliance section.
2. The report will default to today's date, when loaded the report will show a date range running from the current week to three months in the future. This range is in place to ensure that, in addition to excluding past leavers from the business, the report will exclude any employees with a leave date set to take place in the next 90 days.
The report comprises of 4 separate worksheets.
a) RTW
b) SignedContract
c) P45_StarterChecklist
d) VisaExpiry
Sheets (a) - (c) will pull employees that are missing these key compliance documents and highlight the number of days since they started.
Sheet (d) will list employees with visas added to the system and the date their visa is set to expire.
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