Below is a guide on how to access our Annual Holiday Accrual Report and make effective use of it:
You will now see an up-to-date breakdown of holiday data, including entitlement, accrual, days taken, days scheduled, and days available for all current employees in the current holiday year.
By selecting 'Last Financial Year' from the drop-down box at the top of the 'Annual Holiday Accrual Report' page you can instead view data for the whole of the previous year.
If you would like to include staff who have left, use the empty field at the top of the page, marked ‘Leavers after date’ to enter a date before they left, and click the 'Load' button.
'Daily' (under 'Type') = the equivalent of salaried.
‘BFor’ = Brought Forward – any holiday time that an employee has been allowed to carry forward from the previous holiday year.
'Entitled (in year)' = a heading under which holiday entitlement for employees who started part way through the current holiday year is shown.
'Accrued' = the amount of holiday time earned by an employee in the holiday year in question. Typically, for hourly-paid staff this will be 12.07% of total hours worked, and for full time salaried employees will be 0.54 days per week.
‘Accrued inc BF’ = The figure for holiday time accrued with brought forward time added onto it where applicable.
'Taken' = The amount of holiday time taken in the holiday year to date by the employee.
'Scheduled (Days)' = The amount of future holiday time an employee currently has scheduled. This is expressed in days for all employees, regardless of contract type.
'Available' = The amount of holiday time an employee currently has available to use. This is calculated by subtracting their taken time and scheduled time from their total accrued time, including brought forward time where applicable.
'Value' = the monetary value of available holiday based on salary or hourly rate and 'run rate' for hourly paid employees. This is the total cost to the business if an employee takes all the holiday time available to them.
'Days/Week' = the number of days/weeks that an employee would need to take off between the present date and the end of the holiday year in order to use all of their holiday entitlement.
'Weekly Breakdown' = View a week-by-week breakdown of an employee's holiday accrual for the current or previous holiday year. Clicking the date on the left of this breakdown will take you to the rota page for the week in question.
'Run Rate' = for 'hourly' staff this is the average hours worked based on hours worked per shift over the past 52 weeks. This is the number of paid hours of holiday time an employee will receive if they take a day’s holiday. For example, an employee with a run rate of 8.0 who takes two days of paid holiday will receive sixteen hours’ wages.
Note: For hourly paid employees, the figures in this report are expressed in hours. For salaried employees, they are expressed in days. The only exception to this is the column for ‘Scheduled’, which is expressed in days for all employees, regardless of contract type.
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